About Me

Former lab analyst turned Web Developer, I take my time management, problem solving skills, and passion for working in teams and effectively apply those skills into my coding life. By doing this I am able to effectively code, debug and push the limits of my own knowledge and continue to learn new things everyday.

Full Stack Developer - Foundation Finance

  • Designed and developed RESTful style web services using the NodeJS/ExpressJS/ReactJS/MongoDB
  • Worked with project managers, developers, quality assurance and customers to resolve technical issues
  • Worked within an agile scrum team, contributing to 100% continuous improvement and deployment (CICD)
  • Participated in code reviews with the product team, and gained feedback from senior engineers and experience in writing custom scalable code

Actualize Coding Bootcamp

  • Learned fundamentals and best practices in full-stack web development in areas of project architecture, backend, frontend, and how to effectively self-teach new technologies.
  • Generated technical requirements and determined the most effective solutions, created wireframes, designed schema, and researched outside resources.
  • Built and tested the backend, incorporating external APIs.
  • Created pages and RESTful routes, made web requests to retrieve data, formatted and styled results, incorporated libraries and themes.

University of Minnesota - Duluth

Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry

Personal Projects

Golf Scoreboard

My family and I play a lot of golf and are very competitive, with this comes a lot of family tournaments. We ran into the issue of not having a way to keep score on a live platform so that everyone could see everyone's scores, so I created Golf Scoreboard. It is a web app that allows users to create tournaments and scorecards linked to those tournaments to provide a live leader board on how everyone's round is going. I built this app using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, Vue.js and CSS.
Backend Code Frontend Code


While learing React I built a web app that allows users to searh for there favorite movies and return data on them. I built this app using React while using the OMDb API

Capstone Project - Gymology

Using the skills I acquired through Actualize I personally built a web app called Gymology. Using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, Vue.js and CSS I built and app that allows a user to log-in and track workouts and to view past workouts and statistics based on their data. I used a third party API, WGER to get data for exercies and muscle categories. I managed the data using PostgreSQL.


Some things I enjoy doing outside of coding is spending time with my wife and dog, Stanley. In the summer I am an avid golfer and in the winter I love to ski. When I am inside I enjoy playing videogames and watching youtube.